Changing It Up: 12 Affirmations & Word for 2016

The last few years instead of resolutions I’ve done word of the year. This is where I pick a word that I want to work towards, sort of a theme for the upcoming year. It worked great and I seemed to achieved most of my goals, without realizing it. This year however, I decided to change it up a bit. Instead of doing just a word or resolutions, i’m doing affirmations.  Then I’ll pick my word of the year based on my affirmations.
A year or so ago, I talked about my motivational journal and how it helped me when I needed it. I loved creating it & adding to it whenever I was down or needed a pick me up.  Over this past year, I’ve pushed it aside and it’s time to revisit it & making a new one.  I think it’s so important to do one each year, since our lives change so much within that short period of time.
affirmation 1
This year more than any other, I’m in need of encouragement & support from within, which isn’t always there. I’m way too harsh on myself; i’m my biggest critic instead of being my best friend. I don’t give myself credit when I do something great or things work out as I wanted.  Nor do I give myself grace for when I make mistakes, learning new lessons.  I want to concentrate on encouraging & supporting myself more through positive ways, changing my self talk and how I truly see myself.   And I’ll begin this journey with my 12 affirmations for 2016.

  1. Being unique is a blessing, one that I embrace with open arms
  2. Life is what you put into it; make it fun & rewarding it becomes so
  3. I will inspire others through my creativity & unique spirit
  4. I choose to be the source of strength & encouragement for those I love
  5. I’m limited only by a vision of what is possible
  6. I fully embrace who I am today
  7. I choose to focus on solutions rather than the problem
  8. Find beauty from within to find it in others
  9. Positivity is my guiding light through the darkest times
  10. Every night I choose to let go of the day’s mistakes or regrets
  11. I will slow down each day & embrace the little moments, not
  12. On dark days, I will have to create my own sunshine

affirmation 2
Do you see a theme with my affirmations?  If I had to choose a word based on the above 12 my word for 2016 would be ENCOURAGEMENT.

Are you making resolutions?  Or picking a word?  Or affirmations? Or do you do something different?  What are your goals or where do you see yourself going in the upcoming year?

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Create With Joy, Oh My Heartsie Girl, My Turn For Us, Sincerely Paula

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