
“To me openness is about letting go, being honest, being who I am, letting other people get close to me, giving and receiving and enjoying life without inhibitions.  We have all had our hearts broken at some time or been let down, deceived or hurt, but keeping our hearts open to new experiences, people and feelings is so important for our spiritual and personal growth.  Being true to who we are meant to be in our soul is the reason we are here.” ~ Holly Hinton



For me being open is sharing my journey, being as honest and true to myself as I can, with other like minded individuals.  For you, what does openness mean or look like?

Today marks the 15th day of a month-long challenge that I’m taking part in called Blogging A to Z.  If you’re looking me up on the list, I am #1100.  My theme for this month is simple living.  Are you doing the challenge?  Leave me a comment so I can follow along.  Feel free to share with me any ideas, thoughts, or topics of interest you would like me to cover.  Join me each day for my Living Intentionally Simple A to Z.

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