Going With Life’s Flow

It’s been almost 2 weeks since I last wrote.  Even though I had others intentions, life & my illness got in the way.  I had a flair up, which took  me a week or so to recover from.  And it took me another week or so to catch up with my life.  It can be very overwhelming playing catch up, while staying current with my life.  But I didn’t let it get to me, instead I just went with the flow.  It is what it is.

Before my illness, things would stress me out if what I had intended or pictured didn’t come out a certain way.  It really ruined my day because I let it get the best of me.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan on writing once every 2 weeks.  I plan on writing as much as I can, hoping for at least 3-5 days a week. And if I can’t then I can’t, I’m not going to stress.  Going with the flow isn’t about my failure or inability to write my blog or live my life, it’s actually the opposite.  It’s learning how to live with my chronic illness in a way that gives me the best quality of  life.   It’s my ability to work with the hand god gave me and making the best of it.  Instead of stressing about things that are beyond my control, I focused on the things I can control & let everything else go.  I embraced the flow of life and the direction it was sending me on.  And in doing so, it created more inner peace, which helped me fight my recent flair up. Isn’t interesting how everything works together, how everything intertwines?

True Friend

Today’s post is short and sweet since I am still not feeling well.

Never underestimate the power of a true friend.  During my road to recovery & my weight loss journey, my true friends have been one of the greatest blessings for me. They are my muscles when I am weak.  They are my motivation when I’ve lost mine.  Within each of us, lies the power to heal or to hurt, to make or break, to be true or to be fake.  Remember the old saying, ” you are who you surround yourself with.”  What kind of friend are you?  What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

Letting Go: Saves & Makes You Money

Think about this, do we remember all those things we HAD to have growing up or do we remember the memories we have had along our journey?  What do you want your family to remember about you?  What do you want you family and friends to associate with you, the things you bought or spent money on?  Or the memories you shared with that person?

Saving money is something everyone wants.  Who wants to spend their hard earned money?  I know I sure don’t.  Once I pinpointed how I wanted to live, I had to figure out how to get rid of the distractions.  For me, the place to start was our house.  I am not a hoarder by any means, but our house was filled with odd and ends that I wanted at one time or another.  The best way for me to get through my house, was to go one room at a time.  This is a huge job, since I have so many people involved.  I needed to make sure my expectations weren’t to high because this process is a huge undertaking.  If I did it all at once, I would get overwhelmed, probably quitting shortly after I started.

I started with my boys room, since it was the messiest & most cluttered.  There were so many more things that I didn’t realize  I was holding on to, till I began doing my boy’s room.  It wasn’t hard for my boys to let go of their items, it was hard for me.  I know a lot of people suffer from emotional attachment to certain possessions.  I decided to include a few tips of how to let go of possessions, that no longer serve a purpose in your life.  Below are 5 helpful tips.

5 Helpful Tips For Letting Go of Our Possessions

1. We need to realize that we all have emotional attachments to certain possessions.  We need to learn when it’s time to let go.  For further reading on emotional attachment here’s a site does a good job at explaining more about this http://psychotherapist-nyc.blogspot.com/2013/01/when-our-emotional-attachment-to-our.html

2. If you haven’t used it in 3 months, there’s a good chance you won’t be using it, put it aside.  If you haven’t used it in over a year, toss it, and don’t think twice about it.  If it’s hard to toss something away, put it aside and go through that pile once everything else is done, one by one.  Work through each item and really make sure it serves a purpose in your life.  If it is something of importance for you, by all means keep it.  I am not saying to toss everything, just the unnecessary clutter that’s around you.  And don’t let you emotional attachment to that item prevent you from getting rid of it.

3. do the entire room or don’t waste you time.  It makes no sense on doing half the room and getting to the other stuff later.  You will either never get around to it or you will have to redo it again.  Who want to waste their time doing something twice?

4. don’t keep an item potential use down the road.  If its not useful now, something that you need in your everyday life, then you need to get rid of it.  If it becomes important to you, down the road you can get it either for free, borrowed, or used.  Many times I have fallen into this trap and kept things for far to long for a possible use down the road.  Like when I kept an old shirt of the girls because it was cute, thinking I could to in a possible craft project sometime down the road.  Just get rid of it!

5. If there’s an item that you no longer need and you don’t want to throw it away, find a good home for it: donate, give it away etc..

Once I was able to start the decluttering process and let go of things, I noticed that I can save & make money from the possessions I was getting rid of.  Who doesn’t like saving money & making a little cash on the side?  Below are 7 ways that I was able to save and make a little money.

 7 Ways we are able to save & make money:

1. Not having the “I need this or I need that” mentality.  This itself will save you tons because you won’t be compelled to go shopping and waste money on unnecessary items.  This is something I have done numerous times.  No more shopping therapy for me, even if I am saving money.  Just because we spend a few dollars on something, doesn’t mean we have to get it.  Being frugal means knowing when to shop and save money as well as knowing when not to shop or score a deal.

2. Want to get rid of things quickly?  Bring it to the recycling center or to the dump.  Most places have a little area that you can bring you unwanted items and others can pick it up.

3. Learn how to effectively sell your unwanted items online @ Craigslist, Ebay, Amazon, or Esty (depending on what you have.  You can sell crafts or hobby things including supplies on Esty.  Got some unwanted or unused items give it a try.)

4. If the item is worth a good amount, when you donate it, you can ask for a receipt for your taxes.  You can claim it.

5. Barter with others-use items you are getting rid of as a bartering item for things or services you need

6. Look for a useful way you could reuse something you are getting rid of or reuse it as a gift for someone else.  This will only save you money, if you follow through with your plans to reuse it.  Otherwise, it will become unnecessary clutter.  An old sweater could be used as a cup kosie, candle wrap, throw pillow etc….this is where Pinterest comes in handy.

7. Donate items to your local shelter, good bank, nursing homes etc….  do your homework because you would be surprised to see the places that are looking for good quality used items.

Please share any helpful tip you have for decluttering and/or making money off things you no longer want to occupy your space.  


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Living Intentionally- Where to Begin

Intentional living to me means “to consciously live our life in a way that drives our dreams and goals.  To consciously make choices for our lives instead of leaving it to chance.  Not allowing the world’s distracts take me away from my dreams and goals.”  I found a great quote from one of my favorite writers out there.  He said, “Don’t just drift through life. Live intentionally and on purpose.”  taken from http://www.becomingminimalist.com.

In the same article as the quote, Joshua Becker stated that living a simple life, you need to be intentional about it, in which you need the proper foundation & steps.  Since I am new to all of this, his steps helped  guide me in the right direction.  The hardest part of my journey was figuring out how to begin.  This is a great place to start.  To read more about each step, please click on the link below that will bring you to his article.

Part 1- First, Lay the Foundation

~Realize that your life is made up of choices

~Evaluate the culture that you’re swimming in

~Examine yourself

Part 2- Second, Add Practical Steps

Decide to live your life

Define a purpose

Set goals

Stay focused

Learn from others

To read his full article, which I promise you is a great read, you can find it here http://www.becomingminimalist.com/the-helpful-guide-to-living-an-intentional-life/  

I strive to live intentional and by doing so I have noticed a few beneficial side effects.  Living with as little distractions as possible, we are also able to save our money, save our time & energy, save our “real” relationships, and save the things that are important to us.  Talk about some great benefits for being intentional, living a simple life.

Where did you begin your journey?  What are some other practical steps you could add to the list above?  What are some other beneficial “side effects” that  you noticed?  I would love to hear your thoughts on this.



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5 Tips For Living With A Chronic Illness

**This is late because I’ve been sick on and off for a few days now.  I thought I would address this in my series, since my illness is the whole reason I began my weight loss journey.  And it’s the reason why I have limitations on what I can do to lose my weight.**

Quotes Picture: do not give up, the beginning is always the hardest keep moving forward!!

If you meet me in real life, you wouldn’t be able to tell that I am sick and live with a chronic illness.  You wouldn’t be able to see how I struggle some days, to do the simplest of tasks because of my illness.  How bending over to pick up my kitchen floor, is so painful, I have to have my children do it for me.  Or when I can’t move other than from the bathroom to couch and back, because the pain is uncontrollable.  How for the longest time, my life revolved my throw up bouts which lasted weeks on end (throw up bouts-I get sick a lot and puke sometimes everyday for a few weeks at a time) because who wants to throw up anywhere but their own home?  No, I don’t look sick on the outside, but looks can be deceiving.  Unless someone knows me, they don’t know how my days are a struggle because of my chronic illness in some shape or form.  I stopped complaining for two reasons: 1. no one wants to hear me complain every single day of my life……..talk about depressing and 2. this is my life, this is what I have been dealt with……..it’s a part of who I am today.  Sure, sometimes it gets the better of me and I start to feel sorry for myself and cry  like when I am out in public and I get my stomach pains from a flair up, which is similar to Chrone’s disease, and I literally run to the bathroom where I explode.  Usually, I have my 2 little ones in tow.

Unless you have a chronic illness, or have a close loved one who does, it’s hard to understand what people like me go through on a daily basis.  The last few days have been hard for me because I’m having a flair up, but life keeps moving, whether you’re sick or not.  Even when I am in the trenches, with little hope, grasping to whatever I can to keep me up, I always try to move forwards, no matter how small my steps are.  It’s a hard road to travel on, but it’s one that I am grateful for, since it showed me the way to living a healthier lifestyle.  Along the way, I have discovered a few things, that has made my travels a little easier.  Below are 5 tips or mental notes to help others out there like me.


5 Tips For Living With A Chronic Illness:

*Accept the situation & yourself for what it is-

Once you accept that this is your life, you will be able to move on.  For the longest time, I fought that this was how my life would be.  I was determined to get my old life back before I was sick, which made things worse for me.  Once, I realized that this is how it’s going to be, I was able to move on and learn ways to cope with my illness so I could start reliving my life.  This step took me awhile, so don’t expect overnight realization.  My aha moment was when I thought I was going to die.  Sitting in the hospital all alone thinking about leaving my 5 kids and hubby, really woke me up.  I felt like I was given a 2nd chance, and no matter what my limitations are, I am still alive living a healthier happier life with my family.  And I try to live each day to the fullest because I know just how precious and short life really is.

*Figure out ways to cope with your illness-

This is an ongoing learning experience.  There will always be things to learn that will make my life easier.  When I 1st got sick, I was determined to keep up with everything as if I wasn’t sick.  Once I accepted my situation for what it was, I was able to figure out ways to help me get things done like simple chores.  For the longest time, I couldn’t bend down much if at all.  I couldn’t lift and do my normal household duties.  So, my children had to step up and help me.  To this day, there is still a lot I can’t do, but my children do it without complaining because they know I physically can not.

*Your not alone-

No matter how alone we feel at any given moment, there are others out there going through the same situation you are.  If you are looking to interact with others who also suffer from chronic illnesses, look to local and/or online support groups.  For me personally, since my illness is rare and no one has it here in the states, I went overseas to find a support group.  There was a small inactive one.  So I broadened my perimeters and found a support group that was more general.  There are others out there, you just need to find them.


*Take care of your whole self (mind, body, & spirit)-

It’s important to take care of our whole self, especially if you suffer with a chronic illness.  Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about eating properly and exercising, it’s about taking proper care of your mind, body, & spirit.  Do what you feel is right, to take care of yourself, & never apologize for it.


*Simplify your life-

The simpler our life is, the easier and happier to seems to be.  Or at least that’s how it is for me.  Over the last year or so, I have been trying to simplify all areas of my life.  I began by cutting out the negativity that surrounded me including my self talk (which was a game changer on its own), decluttering my house, & putting memories & experiences in its place.


Living with a chronic illness is challenging but it isn’t the end of the world, unless you let it.  We are stronger than we think, and don’t know how strong we are till we are put into challenging situations.  Life is what we make of it, so make it a good one.

I would love for others to add other helpful tips & ideas.  🙂


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What Is Skinny Fat

I always thought that just because I was thin, that I was healthy.  I didn’t need to work out or eat right because I was thin, that’s all that mattered.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  I was the perfect example of the term “Skinny Fat.”  Have you heard this term before?  It is defined as ” that a person may be skinny in appearance, however their BODY FATpercentage (24% to 39% seems to be the general range) is very high by medical and health standards. You may fit into a size two but do you still jiggle without Spanx?”

This misconception is one that I wished I addressed before I got sick.  It’s sad that it took me getting sick to get set on the correct path.  But it is what it is.  All I can do now is educate my family, hoping they don’t follow my unhealthy path to sickness.

Below are 10 Tips to Help Cure Your Skinny Fat-

  1. Eat a Low-Glycemic Load DIET — Lean animal protein (chicken, fish, and eggs), nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, fruit, and small amounts of non-gluten grains.
  2. Power Up with Protein — Start the day with protein and at each meal. This makes your metabolism run hotter and cuts hunger. Incorporate eggs, PROTEIN SHAKES, nuts, seeds, chicken, or fish.
  3. Don’t Drink Your Calories — No sodas, juices, sweetened drinks and no more than 3-4 glasses of wine or alcohol a week with meals.
  4. Avoid the Deadly White Powder or Flour — Including gluten-free flour products. Even whole grain flour acts like sugar in your body.
  5. Beware of Frankenfood — Factory-made foods are often science projects with fake ingredients including MSG (which causes ravenous hunger and is hidden as “natural flavoring”), high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, preservatives, and chemicals.
  6. Eat From the Right Plant — If it was made in a plant stay away, if it was grown on a plant it is probably okay.
  7. Get an OIL CHANGE — Eat omega-3 fat-rich foods including sardines and wild salmon and avoid REFINED and processed vegetable oils except olive oil.
  8. Get Going and Get Strong — Both cardio and strength training are key. Cardio builds fitness and IMPROVES metabolism, and strength training BUILDS MUSCLE so you won’t be a skinny fat person.
  9. Take Supplements — They grease the wheels of your metabolism and help BURN CALORIES and balance blood sugar. A good multivitamin, fish oil (EPA/DHA,) and vitamin D do the trick for 95 percent of people.
  10. Protect Sleep Time — Sleep deprivation alters metabolism and increases cravings for carbs and sugar. Sleep is sacred. Make your bedroom a sleeping temple and stay there for 7 to 8 hours a night

taken from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/skinny-fat_b_1799797.html






6 Stepping Stones Towards Living A Simpler Life


Happy calm life

Today’s topic (simple living) is something I find very interesting and is something that has been a priority of mine more and more as the years go on.  I have read a ton of books and sites regarding this topic.  Over the last 4 years, I have really acquire a big interest in it.  Is that a sign of maturity?  Am I finally growing up?  Ya, maybe.  But last summer reinforced my interest with living a simple life.  Why?  Because it was the 1st time in my life & our family’s life, we are able to go out on numerous adventures further away, actually go on a vacation, be together, and had a blast creating memories.  Sure we couldn’t eat gourmet meals when we went on one of our adventures, but no one cared while we were at the Cape playing at the ocean or when we were at the Patriot’s game, not buying beer.  It was just amazing being able to travel & go on adventures memorable together.  This is what we will remember and talk about for years to come, not what new thing we bought.

This was my wake up call saying STOP with all the unnecessary items and start putting our attention to spending time with one another & putting our money towards meaningful things, not the next best material item.  I want to travel the world with my family.  I want to see as much of the world as I can and expose my children to as much of it as possible.  Why can’t we go to Ireland for a few weeks?  We couldn’t before, because it wasn’t important or a priority to us.  Having what I now call “junk” meant more.  It’s sad but true.

Now, I am finally at a point in my life, where I can concentrate on what is important to me.  I can start making an effort with continuing my “stepping stones,” in order to reach my ultimate goal: spending meaningful quality time with one another while exploring the world around us.  

FYI- remember I am at the beginning of my journey towards living a life with less.  It’s a hard step to take with a family of 7. We still couldn’t go to Ireland but by following my steps, I know one day we will get there.  And do it with a lot of less stuff……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….I am a work in progress 🙂 

There are numerous things you can to along your journey to make life simpler, but where do you begin?  For me that was the hardest question to answer.  Once I found my beginning, it was clear sailing from there.  Remember progress may seem slow.  There isn’t any need to rush yourself, since this is about what you feel is in the best interest of your family.  This isn’t a race or competition.  And by all means NEVER compare yourself with others…………we each are living a unique life that is exclusively ours.  You can’t compare apples to oranges.

6 Stepping Stones Towards Living a Simpler Life :

*if anyone would like me to go further in details or has something to add, please post a comment.  I love comments and  encourage positive discussions*

1. Prioritize

Before you take any steps toward living a simpler life, you must first be honest with yourself and figure out where your priorities are.  The best way for me to do that, was to list what was important to me now (in the moment) according to things around me (what story does your home say) & things I have bought VS what I really thought was important.  For example: based on things around me it would seem that electronics are important to us, but in reality they aren’t.  We could live without all of it, if that meant we could do activities & vacations to amazing places together.

2. Make it a family effort

If the whole family isn’t on board, it will make for a harder transition, if you are even able to.  The best advice I can give you, is to have a family meeting, have the entire family there, sit down, and discuss everything together. No matter how young the kids are they should still be a part of whats going in on the family.  You may just have to put it in their terms, so they can understand.

3. Its a way of life, not a race or popularity contest

It seems nowadays everything is a race, competition, or popularity contest.  Living a simpler life will only work, if this is something you truly want and you are doing it for the right reasons.  If you want to change your lifestyle because all the other moms you know are doing it, it’s obviously isn’t the right reason.  And the change won’t last long.  Remember, you can have a simpler life by doing a little or going to extremes.  For us, the 1st big step, is getting rid of the unnecessary clutter in our lives that don’t matter and getting rid of it all (I am talking about physical possessions & mental baggage.)  Clutter is clutter, which needs to go.

4. Don’t forget to enjoy the little things, because they won’t be around forever………………seasons change

Nothing stays the same, NOTHING.  Everything changes, which is a fact of life.  No matter which season of your life, you are in, don’t forget to enjoy the little things.  Its the little things that you look back on and realize just how big and important those little things were.  Enjoy yourself and who ever you choose to surround yourself with.

5. Lose the materialist mentally…………………………………………………..start living with the realization that less is more

Our world today is so attached to material possession, we encourage each other to get more and more through so many different avenues.  Seldom do I see any ad or commercial saying ” less is more”.  We as a whole, have emotional attachments to our possessions.  I know I did for the longest time.  And as soon as I started cutting my emotional attachments, I realized just how much time I spent on things that weren’t important to me.

Once you realize what you don’t need around you, start getting rid of the items either selling, giving away, or throwing it out.  Can’t do it all at once, set a specific number like 3 and get rid of that many things a day.  When getting rid of those items, make sure you really do.  Don’t just throw them in your car or put it in the trash, if the item is reusable, give it to a place or someone who can use it.  Recycle it.  And don’t forget to get the kids involved and explain everything you are doing and why.  This is a great chance to teach them, less is more.

6. Change doesn’t happen over night, it takes time……..a lot of time

Just like with anything of importance, it takes time.  Nothing happens overnight but after working hard slowly towards your goal, you will reach your destination.  Remember: slow and steady wins the race.

What are some other steps you can take or have taken towards living a simpler life?


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Unique Money Saving Tip

Unique Money Saving Tip #1-Use An Unusual Inexpensive Ingredient

Saving money is a topic I know well.  But it hasn’t always been that way.
In the beginning when I was on my own as a single mom, 19 yrs. old no friends or family around to help, I had to figure out how to make ends meet or else we wouldn’t be able to eat-no food.  There were times, more so than I like to admit, that the only food I ate was what ever the kids left on their plates.  I never wanted my children to go without because they needed it more than I did.  No one should have to eat & live that way.  But to be honest, I was absolutely terrible with money.  This was my reality for a long time.  Things kept getting tighter and tighter and I never saw the light at the end of the tunnel.  My life was this way till I finally decided I didn’t want to live like this anymore.  The only way to change my life, was to learn everything I could about saving money.
Fast forwards to today……………………………………I am one frugalista, that’s for sure.  If there is a good deal, I will find it, you can be sure of that.  No, I don’t ever DUMPSTER dive or do anything embarrassing like the people on tv do.  There would be no way in HELL that I would do that.  If there are people out there that want to do that all the power to them.  I personally choose not to do that in order to save money.
Side note that I wanted to share:
Every time I get a good deal, I make it a point to share it with all my 5 kiddos, not so they will be impressed with me (but that is always nice to hear) but so they will grow up knowing how to score a good deal.  As well as knowing the value of money and what you can do with just a little, if you choose too.  It doesn’t need to cost you a fortune to support your family, only if you allow it too.  I wouldn’t want them to ever have to live as I did way back in the day.  As long as I am around, they would never need to.  This also shows them that you can have a good life, even if you don’t make a lot.  Having a joyful life doesn’t solely depend on having lots of money.Having a large family of 7, in today’s expensive society, is a huge challenge.  So for all the families out there doing it everyday with a family as large as mine or bigger, my hats off to you.  I know just how hard it is to have healthy meals on the table with minimal expense.  Because of my frugalness, it’s one of the main reasons I am able to stay home.  I am able to make a little stretch a lot.  We are comfortable now, which has been a long time coming.  Why are we doing as well as we are?  Because of 2 things:  Jason’s hard work & all that he does AND because my hard work taking care of the house, kids, & scoring the amazing deals that I do.  Like scoring a free CSA for 17 weeks saving $824.00 (family size share).  It’s a team effort, and we make one hell of a team, if I do say so myself!Over the course of this month (which I am hoping to continue with after the month is over), I will be talking about budgeting, couponing, meal planning, saving $ by EATING HEALTHY, freezer cooking as well as other topics.  To be honest, there are so many sites that talk about all of the above, that I don’t feel the need to go into detail and repeat what they already wrote.  Instead, I will be sharing how I put it all together, making it work for my large family of 7.
Tonight, I wanted to start with you one of my best tips that I ever came up with.  I kinda stumbled upon this and developed it into a workable tip that would fit any family no matter the DIET or the size of your family.
So, you want to know what is one of my secret tip is for saving money with groceries????????

Tip #1- Use An Unusual Inexpensive Ingredient & Highlight It
**Now before you say anything, I know sometimes ethnic foods can cost a bit of money.  And I know people want to eat in season, but if you hear me out, this tip may help a little with your grocery budget.**Years ago, when I lived in a Spanish community, everything was different than what I was used to, especially the food.  I was interested in how they spent a little and made a ton of food, delicious yummy food.  So, I would always watch, listen, and take it all in.  When I was finally on my own, I remembered how little they spent for their amazing meals.  That’s when I decided to try my hand at making some Spanish foods.  Nothing came out and I stopped trying anything.
Years later, we are living in our house and I have a massive kitchen. I knew it was time to try my idea about different ethnic cultures and their foods.  Once again I started with Spanish foods.  Instead of trying to mimic all the dinners that I used to see being made, I decided to pick a food and based my meal around that.  I went out in search of cheap ingredient ideas and that’s when I came across the cheapest ingredient, but wasn’t sure how to cook with it other than frying it.  With a little research I came numerous ideas I was ready to start working with them.  I found 2 ingredients that weren’t common to people where I live and even so, the items where rather cheap to work.  And behold, my tip was born**Start by researching different cultures that feed their families on much less than we do.  For example, I picked Dominican foods to start simply because that’s what I was used to from living in a Spanish community.  If you have never been exposed to any other cultures quickly look online for help. The next foods I plan on trying out, will be from Africa.  I love how they use their greens such as collards, among other things.  Now, if you want to just eat in season, then this tip isn’t for you.  But if you want to experiment a little and save money at the same time, then read on.  Sometimes just sometimes, you can’t afford the organic in season produce.  I can’t always afford that but in my opinion if you eat fruits and veggies instead of corn syrup products, even though they aren’t organic its still a better choice than corn syrup.  You shouldn’t feel guilty or bad if you can’t go the organic route.  As long as you making healthier choices (if that’s your goal) that don’t include sugary things, then you should still feel good about your choices.  To many times I have seen blogs and people get so caught up in the organic route that they end up losing their message in all their judgements.  **Remember these are my thoughts and the choices I make for my family.  If someone has something to add to this discussion, then I WELCOME it.  But I don’t want to hear the judgements from my statements above.  We need to start encouraging each other instead of always bashing & judging one another****I started with Plantains & Yuccu Root.  Plantains at me local store was anywhere from $.20 to $.50 each.  If you live near a Spanish store, you will pay much less.  The Yucu root I have paid between $1.25- $2.00 for it.  With either option, you are still paying way less than you would for other produce that was in season**
Plantains can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinners, snacks, or even desserts.  Depending on how you want to make it.  I decided that this last time, I would make desserts with it.  For less than $2 I was able to make enough desserts to feed my entire family.  All I did was make a homemade dough, filled each one with plantains, cinnamon, brown sugar, a few other spices….viola homemade hand pies highlighting plantains.  Recipe is below…..For the Yuccu Root, after I took the skin off (which can be hard at first but it does get easier), I tried just boiling it.  My kids loved it so much they ate everything up.  We all agreed, that it tastes like butter, but just warning you, it is a little stringy like a banana.  As long as that texture doesn’t bother you, you will be fine.  I also put another recipe up just in case anyone wants to try these foods. **I also included in the general information on how to prepare each item so everyone know how to handle them from beginning to end at consumption.**

Before anyone asks me, yes these 2 ingredients are healthy for you.  I am including some information about these 2 items since they aren’t everyday items that people would use.  Below is some quick facts for you…………. There isn’t any excuse on trying these new foods, since you can have dinner & dessert made for around $5 which feed my family of 7.  Told you, its a great way to try new things and feed your family healthy whole foods, while saving money.  It can’t get better than that.  So go ahead, it’s your turn……………………………….


Plantains have a number of internal health benefits. Plantains, like bananas, are a quick source of energy, according to HealthGuidance.org. Plantains can ease symptoms of a variety of ailments, including arthritis, gout, anemia, allergies, kidney stones, tuberculosis and urinary disorders. They promote digestion. And because plantains enhance calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen retention, they can assist the regeneration of healthy tissue.

Plantains are used in a variety of skin treatments. They are a commonly used as an anti-wrinkle treatment, according to HealthGuidance.org. Mash a quarter of a plantain and spread it on the face for 15 to 20 minutes daily. To treat skin allergies, mix a plantain with a cup of milk and drink it two to three times daily. Plantain peels can be used to treat warts; press the inside of the peel against the wart and tape it in place. When the peel turns black, remove it and repeat until the wart is gone. To treat poison ivy, apply the inside of a peel to the rash.

According to HealthGuidance.org, plantains are a mood enhancer because they contain the amino acid tryptophan. They can also help people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder. Plantains are high in magnesium and potassium, which can help the body and mind deal with the symptoms of withdrawal from a habit-forming substance.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/

Yuccu Root

Yucca root contains resveratrol. Resveratrol is a natural phytoalexin has proven antioxidant properties that protect the body from damage caused by oxidation. Oxidation produces free radicals that can lead to an increased potential for conditions such as heart disease. Yucca roots can help stop the buildup of oxygen free radicals, and prevent blood vessel damage.

The high saponin content of yucca roots allow its extract to dissolve in water and oil, notes Drug Digest. Once in the stomach, these saponin particles attach to cholesterol, and can assist to prevent the body from absorbing it. This allows cholesterol to easily be expelled from the body as bile. More cholesterol in your bile means less cholesterol in your bloodstream.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/158692-yucca-root-health-benefits/#ixzz2glS2b5Zv

Best Chiquita Plantain Tarts Recipe Taken From Http://Www.Chiquitabananas.Com/Banana-Recipes/Plantain-Tarts-Recipe.Aspx


  • 2   unbaked prepared pie crust sheets ( I made me own)
  • 2   small, very ripe Chiquita® Plantains (peel should be mostly or all black)
  • 1/4   cup Brown sugar
  • 1/4   tsp. Nutmeg
  • 1/4   tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/8   tsp. Salt
  • 1   Egg, beaten
  •   Sugar

Instructions For:

Best Chiquita Plantain Tarts Recipe

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Unroll or roll out pie dough. Using a 4 to 5-inch cutter cut 8 round circles from the dough. Peel and mash plantains until very smooth. Stir in brown sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt. Place 2 tablespoons of plantain filling in the center of each round. Fold the rounds in half and crimp edges with fingers or a fork. Lightly brush tops with egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 25 minutes or until the pastry looks golden brown. Cool before serving as the filling will be very hot.

Sancocho Recipe


1 whole chicken (about 3 lbs)
1 1/2 tablespoon salt
1 bay leaf
8 cups water
4 green plantains
4 potatoes (1 1/2 lbs)
4 pieces yucca (1 1/2 lbs)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 small tomato
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 green pepper
1/2 red pepper
1 sprig thyme
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon saffron
1/4 teaspoon Badia yellow powder food coloring
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro


Cut the chicken. In a heavy large caldero place the chicken, sprinkle with 1 1/4 tablespoon salt add 4 cups water and a bay leaf. Cook it for 20 minutes at medium heat.
Peel the plantains and using both hands give a twist make like 4 pieces and then try to make smaller pieces. Place the plantains in 4 cups of water, when the chicken is cooked add the plantains with the water. Let it cook for 10 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut yucca and potatoes in small pieces, add to the pot. Let it cook for 10 minutes.In a nonstick pan make sofrito. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over low heat, add chopped tomato, onion, green pepper, red pepper, minced garlic and a sprig of thyme, sprinkle with 1/4 tablespoon salt. Let it cook for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off, add cumin, saffron, and yellow color. When sofrito is ready, add it to the pot, stir mix all the ingredients. Let it cook for an additional 5 minutes, turn the heat off, add cilantro.

Read more at http://www.ifood.tv/recipe/dona_rossana_cooks_sancocho_soup#7t3phAGXHP35Akrg.99

What is a unique ingredient that you use in your recipes?


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No Excuse

New habits are hard to start and keep up with.  In the beginning you need to make it a point everyday to keep up with it or else it’ll be pushed aside.  Exercising is a new habit of mine, that has taken me forever to start.  Sad, yes I know.  Numerous times over the last 3 yrs I would always say ” I’ll exercise tomorrow.”  Then tomorrow came and went, but I didn’t go out and exercise.  I always had excuses and made it easy for myself to blow it off.  Made it easy for myself to not be held accountable.  Yet, I thought I had a right to complain about my weight and my illness.

That was my days till I had enough.  Till I was tired of being sick and fat.  Till I had no excuse……..And you know what, it wasn’t to late for me.  It’s wasn’t to late to get off my ass, get my feet moving, and go out the door.  It’s never to late.  And before anyone out there make excuses for themselves, I believe that no illness is ever an excuse to not exercise.  In the beginning of my journey, I had health problems associated with my weight gain such as my heart rate was extremely elevated at rest, to the point my doctors where very concerned.  I didn’t want to have a heart attack, I am only 34 yrs old.  I had no energy or desire to do much, and actually felt very depressed and sad a lot.  I also couldn’t breath and my chest was super tight, like an asthma attack.  My drs called it exercise induced asthma.  I was 90lbs overweight.  I was a mess, a hot mess.  And yes, I probably could have lived off my excuses my whole life, if I let myself.  But after 3 years of living like this, I woke myself up in order for me to start living the life that I wanted.

No excuses……..and the results from my new habit is:

*I have lost 39.6lbs in three months

*I can breath when I walk even if I walk 10 miles

*I have restarted my metabolism naturally, without help of drugs

*I enjoy & look forwards to my morning exercising

*I haven’t had a flair up with my illness

*I haven’t suffered from migraines, only had 2 in the last 3 months, usually I have them 3-4 times a week

*I am 50 times happier with myself, my weight, my life……..with everything.


I am sharing this because I want others to learn from my mistakes, to learn from my suffering, to learn from my words.  Never let any excuses you make take over and control your life.  The 1st step is the hardest.  Just keep pushing yourself to take the 2nd, 3rd, 4th step and so on.  And before you know it, your new habit won’t be new anymore.  If I can keep pushing myself everyday, keep holding myself accountable, so can you.  You are stronger than you know.


What is a new habit your trying to form?  What is a way for you to hold yourself accountable?

Motivational Quotes For My Motivational Notebook

What do you do to motivate yourself?  To kick your butt into gear or make sure you don’t veer off the path?  Me, I have a notebook, where I would have everything in it from my writings, to quotes to goals.  It is something I always carry around and look in it every time I need a push, I need a smile or I need a friend to encourage me to continue on my journey.

Quotes are big in my notebook because I am a quote person.  You can find a quote for everything.  The reason I love them so much is because they says how I am feeling in the exact words, that I can’t come up with.  Today I thought I would share are a few of my favorite quotes.



What do you do to motivate yourself?  What are some of your favorite motivational quotes?  I love comments and would like to hear about your motivation or lack of.