Reflections & My Thanksgiving Baby

Thanksgiving is a time for others to spend with their loved ones, having fun, enjoying good food, going for walks, playing games, or like us making gingerbread houses.  It’s also a time that so many people take to reflect on what’s good in their life, what they are thankful for.
I think about how lucky I am to be where I am in life all the time, not just around Thanksgiving.  I do this because I know how easily my life could have turned out so different, with one wrong choice.  Isn’t it interesting that one wrong choice could make such an impact on our lives?
This Thanksgiving however, instead of reflecting, I’m celebrating because it’s my baby girl’s birthday.  My little Squishy turns 8 today.  She’s my Thanksgiving baby.

Here’s a few extra pics from the last few months….
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Can you tell who her best friend is?
~Hope everyone has had a fantastic, relaxing, peaceful Thanksgiving.  May the peace, love, & thankfulness you have today spread throughout your year.~
How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?  Any fun traditions?

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