10 Simple Ideas That You Can Do To Reduce Waste Around Your House

“If you want to get serious about sustainability we have
to start with our waste.”


Waste is a serious problem that impacts all of us. Here’s 2 charts that shows how much the US wasted in the past years.  Could you imagine how much that has increased over the last few years.  How sad is this, when so many people in our world is starving to death?!?!



Here’s 2 charts showing how much the world wastes


The best place to start, is within our own home.  There is so many different things we can do, to reduce our own waste from recycling & repurposing items & materials, buying less things which means less clutter, & learning new ways to use up everything we have.  You can be as creative as you want, but if you need ideas there is so much out there.  It also doesn’t have to be some elaborate plan, oftentimes simple is better.  Aren’t sure where to begin, here’s
10 simple ideas that you can do to reduce waste around your house:
1. Use a gallon milk jug to water the roots of garden plants without standing there with a hose: Poke small holes in the bottom of the jug and bury it; fill with water for slow and steady irrigation.

2. Place old silica gel packets with personal papers and important documents to protect them from moisture and mildew.

3. Make a bird feeder out of a 2-liter plastic bottle.

4. Pour used bacon grease into a tuna or cat food can, chill until firm, and wire the can to a tree to give your feathered visitors some food. Bacon grease may be gross to some of us, but it attracts bluebirds, crows, jays, ravens, starlings, woodpeckers and Carolina wrens.

5. Missing game pieces instead of throwing away, use game board as a wall decor or coasters, & use the game pieces for jewelry, magnets, decor items

6. Compost everything that you don’t use ****put in a compost chart****

7. Coffee grounds- use in homemade soaps, exfoliate, use in garden to keep ants & slugs at bay, dried grounds used as a scouring agent, in fridge neutralizes odors,

8. Newspaper- lay down while painting, lie our snack cages with, wash windows with, use a layer in garden to help keep weeds at bay, compost,

9. Tea bags- for eyes, insect bites,

10. toilet paper tubes- for crafting, packaging & packing material, nesting materials etc

Additional readings:
Top 10 Ways To Reduce Waste
Waste Less Live More
The True Cost of Food Waste
2.6 Trillion Pounds of Garbage: Where Does The World’s Trash Go?
What are some ways you reduce wastes in 
your home? 

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Create With Joy, The Jenny Evolution,

Moro de Habichuela (Dominican Rice n Beans)

untitled (1 of 1)-4
When I was younger, I stayed in an all Spanish community, where I was the only non-Spanish person around.  The lessons I learned from this experience was life changing.  The pieces of their culture that I fell in love with I took and incorporated it into my family’s daily life like their music, dancing, & food.  Plus it helps my two older ones (who are half Dominican) to connect with a part of their heritage.
True Dominican food is absolutely amazing.  If you haven’t tried it, you are really missing out.  The food is not only delicious but very frugal to make.  The 1st dish I’m sharing with you is a staple food that you can make many different ways depending on which beans you use.  It’s a simple delicious filling meal that feeds a crowd.

Moro de Habichuela 
adapted & taken from: Aunt Clara’s recipe


  • 4 cups white rice
  • 1 can 15.5 oz kidney beans (or any cooked beans of your choice)
  • 6 cups water
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil divided
  • 2 TBSP tomato paste
  • 1/4c chopped peppers ( i used sweet mini ones)
  • 1 pinch of Oregano
  • 1-2 tsp garlic minced
  • 3 fresh thyme leaves
  • 1-2 tsp chopped Cilantro
  • salt


  1. Heat half the oil (2.5 Tbsp) in an iron pot over low heat and add cilantro, garlic, thyme, celery, olives, oregano, cubanela, capers. Cook and stir for a minute, or until the ingredients release their aroma. Stir in the tomato paste.
  2. Add beans, also while stirring, add season with salt. Once heated through, add water and bring to the boil (try the mixture and add salt to taste before proceeding, bear in mind that the rice will absorb some of the salt, so don’t low-ball it).
  3. Stir in the rice and simmer stirring frequently to avoid excessive sticking. Make sure to remove the rice that sticks to the bottom.
  4. When the water has evaporated cover with a tight-fitting lid and simmer over very low heat for 15 minutes. Wait 15 minutes, uncover, add the remaining oil and stir.
  5. Cover again another 5 minutes. After this the rice should be firm but tender inside. If necessary, cover and leave another 5 minutes over very low heat (if at this point it looks too dry add ¼ cup of boiling water before stirring and covering.


Are you a fan of Dominican food?  What’s your favorite dish?

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Strangers & Pilgrims on Earth,


13 Ways To Embrace Winter By Keeping It Simple

I’ve never really been a winter person even if I’ve lived in New England a good portion of my life.  Each year, I never look forwards to winter, the cold weather, & all that it brings.  But this year, I was determined to make the most out of winter, embracing everything it has to offer instead of being depressed, stuck indoors, waiting for the spring to arrive.  I know I’m not alone, there are others who don’t enjoy winter.  So here’s some of the things that have made this winter actually quite enjoyable.  It may not be my most favorite season, but it definitely not a time to dread anymore.  Here’s a few ways I’ve embraced winter.

1. Get the right gear
“There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.” ~Swedish Saying
Having the right gear is EVERYTHING.  How can you enjoy the colder months is your freezing?  You don’t need to spend a fortune, just make sure you have good gloves, hat, neck wrap, & warm boots.  Oh and wearing two pairs of pants on really cold days helps a lot.

2. Change your mindset  

Attitude is everything.  Start finding little ways you enjoy about winter and go from there.

3. Admire the beauty of the season
Have you been out looking around, it’s quite beautiful out.  The snow & ice offers such fantastic props for images.  Next time your out, start really looking around, seeing all the beauty that’s around you.

4. Make your home cozy & enjoy the comforts
Fires, candles, essential oil diffusers etc. helps make you house cozy.  Who wouldn’t want to be home if it’s nice & cozy.  Enjoy the comforts of food, warm drinks, reading, snuggling etc.

5. Have a winter bonfire
Who doesn’t love a good bonfire?  Bonfires aren’t just for spring & summer, winter ones can be just as fun.

7. Snuggle up with a good book
Got some reading to catch up on, now is the perfect time.  Make yourself a nice warm drink, snuggle with your favorite blanket and get your reading on.

8. Have a game night
We love game nights at our house.  Wintertime is a great time to have these more often, as we are always looking of ways to have fun with all 5 kiddos, but it’s hard since the ages they are 16-6.  Games is a perfect way for us all to have family time.

9. Exercise @ least 1x per day
No, you don’t need to go crazy or anything, just get out and walk.  I love walking now, so that’s what I will do till spring, then I’m hoping to fix my bike and start biking again.  My stomach can’t handle running, so I don’t ever think I would do that.  Just do whatever you can at least 1x per day.

10. Get outdoors as often as you can……..staying indoors is depressing
Getting out in the fresh air will do you wonders.  Stop barricading yourself in, get out, & embrace the cold.

11. Activities & hobbies ie. snowshoeing, sledding, crafts etc.
Finding something to get up moving, is always great.  Why not make it something fun.  Take up new activities or do something you already love.  It’ll make winter so much more enjoyable.

12. Eat as healthy as possible
The way we eat will affect the way we feel.  Fill your body with foods that it will thank you later for.

13. Host an outdoor party or pot luck
Parties of any kind are fun.  Why not host one at your house?  It can be as simple as you want, just gather a few people together to enjoy each other’s company.

Are you a fan of winter?

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Katherine’s Corner, Create With Joy,  A Life In Balance

9 Successful Unique Ways To Save & Make Money

Now that the holidays are over, and it’s a new year, it’s time to get back to reality and figure out ways to make some extra cash and/or ideas on how to save money.  Whether the holidays left you broke or not, we all could use some help when it comes to money.  I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use a great tip that actually works.  Key being the word “actually“.



With the new year upon us, one of my areas of concentration is exploring new ways to successful bring in extra money through unique avenues as well as making our money stretch till it can’t stretch no more.  Sure, I’m pretty good now, but with a little more practice I’ll be even better.  Being frugal & thrifty is an ongoing journey, one that I continually learn new things from, some successful and some that aren’t.
Today I’m sharing 9 Successful Unique Ways To Make & Save Money.  Now you won’t turn rich overnight, but you’ll be able to make some extra money for those pesky surprises that always pop up.

  • Schoola referrals-
    through this site every time you get a successful referral you get credited $20.  The best part is the person you reffereed to their site gets a free $20 too.  Free clothing for both with free shipping.  It’s a win win for us both.  To use my referral link to get yourself a free $20 to shop with use this link: https://www.schoola.com/stitch?ref=cp-3X11fiY6F  Not only are you getting clothing for free, you are giving free clothing to others, & supporting the schools who donated their clothing.  Check it out today!!
  • Open a supply store through Esty
    Did you know you can sell empty toliet roll & paper towel rolls on Esty?  Crafters need supplies so why not open your own store selling items you would normally throw away.  Have your friends and family help you out by saving certain items, adding them to your store.  Sure, you won’t become rich but you’ll make some extra money instead of throwing it away.
  • Resell free things
    One person’s junk is another man’s treasure.  See something for free you could sell?  Don’t pass up something free, if you know you could possibly sell it.  Check out the free section of Craigslist, free pile in yard sales, or free things on the side of the road.  If something needs a little work but you see the potential, refurbish it and then sell it.  You’ll be amazed at what will actual sell.
  • Sign up for free samples throughout the year especially from Pinchme & All You  
    Pinchme & All You have the best free samples around.  Some of the time, they give away full size products.  I save the free samples all year long and then at holidays or birthdays I make a nice basket with them for my daughter, mother, sister etc.  You would be amazed at some of the awesome things I have gotten a sample of….from housewares, to beauty, to home care to pet care.  There is a wide range of sample products waiting for someone to take.  Sign up today.
  • Buy gift cards when there’s a bonus gift card deal
    A few times a year Shaw’s offers an extra $10-$25 (depending on the time of the year) if you buy $100 worth of gift cards.  Well, since i have to go shopping anyways there, I buy my week’s of grocery worth in gift cards and then save the bonus cards for Christmas or birthdays.  If you do this a few times a year, you can make some good side cash.  I’ve made an extra $100 some years, which of course is completely free money.  A lot of stores do this, be on the lookout.  But be careful, only do this with stores you would normally buy from otherwise, you will be wasting your money.
  • Join a gleaning/food recovery group.  
    There are groups all around the world where people harvest unwanted or unneeded plants for their own personal use or to give to others.  Here’s a link for the UK to get some of you started………Gleaning Network.  I haven’t found one for the US yet.
  • Sell broken electronics on Ebay
    A few years back, I wanted to see what would actually sell on ebay.  To my surprise, broken electronics sold for pretty good money.  So when my computer fell apart, we sold the components and made more money than it was worth.  Right now, I have a broken tablet & camera i’m looking to sell.  These I know won’t go for much but anything is better than letting it sit on a shelf collecting dust or throwing it away.  Because you are throwing away money.  So, next time your at a yard sale, look for broken electronics that are usually free and sell them for a little extra cash.
  • Join MyRecipe.com 
    At my recipe you are able to submit your recipes to share with it’s viewers.  If you recipe becomes popular, then they will pay for the views.  For you foodies out there, it’s def worth the look.  With limited time invested, once you upload your recipe & images, then the work is done.  You just wait to see if it’ll make you some money.  Here’s a fantastic article about this breaking down how much you can make as well as how to start sharing your recipes.  Get Paid To Share Your Recipes At My Recipe Magic.
  • Become a Darbysmart.com designer
    Here’s some information about it on their blog.  You can submit your designs and if they accept it, they’ll pay you for it.  Also, the site offers you to set up a store, selling items directly on it.  Def worth checking out especially for those DIYers out there.

What some other unique ways that you save or make money?

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Create With Joy, Oh My Heartsie Girl, My Turn For Us

8 Frugal Ways I Saved Money This Week

I’m always on the lookout for ways to save or stretch our money as much as possible.  I’m very good at it, but there is always room to grow.   Part of my growing, is sharing with others how I do this, especially doing it with a large family.  I decided that each week I will share the frugalness through successful shopping trips, tips, ideas etc.  I hope others out there, share their frugalness with me as well.  So we can learn from one another as well as learning successful ways to be frugal.
During the holidays, it’s easy to be frugal, if you can squash the wants & so called needs.  There are so many things I would love to buy, some even I think I need to buy but reality is, is that I don’t.  To help me keep my perspective, I usually do something special with the family through free or cheap activities, crafts, diy, or outings.  This week’s biggest money savings came from a raffle basket I won.  See below how I saved money this week.

1. Got 5.5lbs of spicy sausage for $5.00 total @ Shaw’s.
2. My husband donated one of the games & a movie I won to Toys for Tots.
3. Used 2 movies from the raffle basket I won for a birthday present my girls will give their classmate.
4. Returned 2 games I won that we couldn’t use & exchanged it for Christmas decorations
5. Attended a family cookie decorating party and brought free cookies home.
6. Since work ended for the season, I’m saving a lot of money on gas.
7. Recycled things around the house for supplies for ornament gift toppers.
8. Had a few extra pieces of garland and tied it into my girls hair instead of throwing it away.  Instant festive hair.
Bonus: My mother in law made us some yummy cookies.  Yay for cookies!! 

How did you save money this week?  Got any frugal tips or ideas to share?  Or a frugal score you just have to share.  Love to hear them all 🙂 

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Create with Joy, Oh My Heartsie Girl, Simply Wright,


DIY Ornaments: Wood Sled & Borax Snowflake

For the last few years, my town does this neat event called “Festival of Trees” where different organizations decorate a tree according to their specific theme, that is scattered through our armory (which is also our community center.)  This year not only is the elementary school decorating one but our girl scout troop is too.  Our girl scout troop is doing snow sport theme, which isn’t the easiest them to work with, let me tell you.
Our girl scout troop is divided into Daisys and Brownies, so we are doing two different kinds of ornaments……..wooden sleds for the Daisys & borax snowflakes for the brownies.  Both ornaments were fun to make, simple enough to the kids to do, & cheap to make.
PicMonkey Collage
The snowflakes were fun to watch crystalize over a period of 12 hrs.  The girls kept coming back to check every so often.  The sleds were also fun to make since the girls got to use hot glue.   They also enjoyed customizing them, since they could color them any way they wanted.
PicMonkey Collage 2

Borax Snowflake
3 tablespoons of borax
boiling water (enough to submerge the snowflake)
2 pipe cleaners (whatever color you want the snowflake to be)
a pencil
container (fits the snowflake comfortably)
fishing line
* Take one pipe cleaner and cut it into three equal parts.
*Take the other pipe cleaner and cut it into 6 equal parts.
*Take the 3 longer pieces & twist together forming a star shape.
*Take the smaller pieces and twist around the end of each star, turning it into a snowflake.
*Boil enough water to submerge the entire snowflake.  Once boiling, pour into container that fits the snowflake comfortably.
*Pour borax into container and stir well.  This part is very important, you need to mix well, making sure there isn’t any borax on the bottom or it won’t work.
*Take snowflake and tie fishing line around it.
*Place snowflake into the borax solution and have it hang from the pencil.
*It takes anywhere between 4-12 hrs.  I let it set for 12-13 hrs.
*Once set, take snowflake out of solution and let dry for a few minutes.
~Viola you have just made a borax sparkly snowflake. ~

Popsicle Sleds
hot glue
8 popsicle sticks per sled
markers or paint

*Take 5 sticks and place them together, in the desired sled shape you wanted.
*Cut one stick into pieces, that aren’t bigger than the sled, so it doesn’t show from the other side.
*Glue 2 cut pieces over the sled shape, holding it together.
*Make 2 glue dots on each cut piece.
*Place 1 stick per side for the legs of the sled.  Make sure to add extra glue for support.
*Once dried, decorate as desired or leave blank.
~Viola, you just create simple sleds in under 5 minutes.~

What ornaments have you made this holiday season?  I would love to see them 🙂

Ducks N a Row, Create With Joy,

Would You Buy Used Items For Christmas Gifts?

Question of the day:  
“Would You Buy Used Items For Christmas Gifts?”  Why or Why not.

Tomorrow, I get to spend two hours alone shopping in my favorite city.  Since I don’t get out there much, I’m super excited. I get to hit all the stores I that I love….Christmas Tree Shop, Goodwill, & Savers. As I’m writing my Christmas list out, I began wondering, am I a weirdo because I would gift used items?
Each year, I have certain people in mind that I shop for year around and if something strikes my eye, I will buy it, used or not. I see nothing wrong with buying people used items because
it saves me money
recycles, keeping one less item of our landfills
it’s new to them.
Don’t get me wrong, the items I buy aren’t junk, they are well thought out gifts, that I truly feel that recipient would enjoy. Just because something is used doesn’t mean it’s trashy junk. I know there are lots of others out there, who think I’m weird. But hey that’s ok.  I would find it an honor to be known as the weird frugal lady 😉
What do you think?  Do you do it or are you against it?

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Create With Joy,  A Fresh Start On A Budget, Ducks N a Row

Budget Friendly Needful Back To School Shopping

Back to school shopping isn’t very big in our house.  We don’t buy the kids new wardrobes, a bunch of school supplies, & haircuts unless needed.  This year we budgeted $100/ older kids ($300 total) & $25/ little one ($50 total) for little ones.  To some this may seem like a lot, but to others this a small budget, but for us this is just right.
Staying within our budget is a must, since there isn’t any extra money.   What helps keep me in budget is instead of buying by what the kids or I want, we buy by what we need.  It’s a simple concept but the follow through is what gets you.  It’s something that took me a long time to understand, grasp, & commit too. 77
Yesterday, I took the  girls (my 1st & 2nd grader plus my Sophomore) shopping, which ended up being lots of fun.  Our day started out by taking advantage of a favorite local business of ours celebrating their 23rd anniversary and offering a bunch of free services like eyebrow waxing.  What teen girl would pass up a free eyebrow waxing?  I took my oldest daughter and we had some mom & me time doing our eyebrows together for free.  That was a savings of $40.00 ($30 for 2 waxings plus $5 tip x2).  What an exciting way to start our day, saving money, bonding, & having a little fun together.
At Goodwill, we found some pretty good deals as well as a they special  sale going on where you get $5 off a $25 purchase.  I got two brand new backpack for cheaper than I would be able to get one everywhere else, only $7 ea.  Originally, my girls wanted character backpacks, but I explained to them how much more it would cost us for that and we wouldn’t have been able to get a new 1st day outfit for them, but left the choice up to them.  They thought about it and decided on going with the cheaper backpack because they wanted a new 1st day outfit.  So I saved $31.00.  My oldest got two nice pieces of clothing for $3 ea, one being brand new.
Next, we stopped at a consignment store that was a bust since it was super expensive.  They had backpacks for $40!  It’s insane how much money people spend for back to school stuff.  Our last stop was Target, which I did extremely well.
At Target I made a plan to only buy what we need in order for the kids have a great 1st week, which helped me get the spend less.  Before shopping, I knew what all 5 kids needed for them to start school.  I went through their clothing & supplies making sure to not buy anything that wasn’t needed.  Being organized is a big key in saving money.  I’m not very organized person overall but I am when it comes to being frugal.
In each dept, I made sure to hit up the clearance section 1st, which helped me score some great deals like 2 cute colorful matching dresses for $20 with cute sneakers for $7.00.  It’s a tradition that my girls get matching outfits for 1st day of school & holidays.  It’s more for me but while they still like doing it, I’ll continue on with our tradition.  After all our shopping, I can happily report that I was under budget by $2.77 which of course made me smile.  My frugality sure paid off.   Not only did we save a lot of money, but I got to have a fun day with the girls, sharing my frugalness with them.
This type of shopping may not appeal to a lot of you out there, but for us it’s the only way to shop.  Why buy a new lunch box when you have a good one from last year that works and does it job?  Why buy unnecessary clothing that’ll take up space, when you already have more than enough at home?  Think about it, it’s such a waste of money buying things we already have just because it’s from last year or doesn’t look as new as it once did.  Instead save your money and put it towards something you need or something that’s important to you.  Try washing something that is a bit dirty, use heavy duty stain removers if needed.  Or try adding some new bling to your last year items, making it new again.  Or throw a few stickers of their favorite characters on something, making it fun again.  My kids have everything they needed to make the 1st day/week enjoyable, fun, & successful.  Isn’t that what back to school shopping is about?
What is the best back to school deal you scored?  Got any tips on how to keep your back to school shopping budget friendly?

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Create With Joy

12 Tips For Eating Healthy On Less

Eating healthy on on less is completely possible if you are creative and think outside the box.  Years ago, when I received food stamps I ate junk food more than healthy food, since it was cheaper.  Then one day, I decided that we all needed to eat better while staying within the small food stamp budget.
At first it was challenging till I opened my mind and found new ways to make this happen.  Then it became second nature.  By doing so, when we got off food stamps, we were actually able to eat healthy with a smaller budget than what food stamps gives you.  My experience enabled me to feed my family of 7 on $400-$550/mo, which is the lowest I can get our food budget right now.  I try hard to stick to $400 but sometimes it isn’t possible.  Still this is a lot lower than the average food allotment which would be around $810.32, close to double what I spend. @ Average Monthly Food Stamps Per Person Per State.
Do want to start eating healthier on less but don’t know where to begin?  Below I included 11 tips to get you started, just be warned I didn’t include gardening or a few other ideas since I felt we all know about this, why repeat with the same information that’s already in abundance.

1.  Call around to CSA & Food Co-ops
Determine the furthest you’ll drive for a csa and stay calling csa within your driving range.  Ask them about free shares they offer.  I was able to get a free family size csa for 2 yrs by delivering other people’s shares that couldn’t go out to the farm.  They are two co-op stores within an hr of me that offers free memberships to people who can’t afford the membership fees.  Call & find out the guidelines for this.

2. Retrain your brain
This biggest problem I had was the way I view food.  I taught myself about proper nutrition and what our body needs.  Then I found ways to incorporate this into our diets.  For example, before my breakfast would be heavy on the carbs and low with healthy fats and proteins.  Now, it’s the opposite.  The biggest part of my breakfast is proteins & healthy fats, with green veggies.  Proper education is your best asset.

3. Know your healthy frugal foods
There are certain foods that are healthier which are affordable most of the time.  For my area some of them are: beans, eggs, oats, bananas, plantains, yucca, potatoes, sweet potatoes etc.

4. Think outside the box  
Don’t be so rigid, use your creative juices.  Back when I started changing our diets, I didn’t have the most useful tool that most of us have access to……the Internet.  Go on and search around or check out Pinterest for some ideas to get you started.  Once you start, you’ll be surprised at how fast ideas start popping into your head.

5. Look around for free veggie plant
Where I live I stumbled upon a farm to that was giving people free plants they couldn’t use to anyone who could use them.  I pretty much put my garden together for free.  If you can’t find this deal check craigslist, put up an ad saying what your looking for, or check a gleaning website.  Some websites especially out west or down south will have people put up fruits from trees for people to come pick for free.  Unfortunately, where I live there isn’t any website.  So, it’s by word of mouth.

6. Laziness will prohibit your frugalness
Sadly, this has happened numerous times to me because I go in phases that I don’t want to make something from scratch because it takes too long.  And that’s why I’ve put together about 50+ recipes that include no more than 5 ingredients that take only minutes to make.  on’t let your laziness get the better of you.  Set aside some time one day a week  or a month & set a timer.  Work on whatever you plan on making till the timer rings.   Then pack it up and call it a day.  Or you can do what I do and I incorporate baking into my older kids chores.  Once or twice a week, a few kids will have to make snacks for the house, using whatever we have on hand.  Not only am I helping learn to bake but I’m making them responsible for their own snacks.  Plus, when they make it, they don’t rip through them as fast as when I make them.

7. Have a few frugal go to meals 
There are a few frugal meals that I use when we don’t have a lot of money in our budget.  A few of them are: Zoodle Chopped Suey,

8. Change Your Snack Mindset
For me the most money spent use to be snacks.  Now, we think of snacks different, which helps save us money.  For example: my oldest boy who is 16 eats so much food.  It’s crazy how much he can really put away.  Because of this we were running into problems till changed our snacks around.  When the kids & I aren’t making them from scratch, we make PB sandwiches & freeze them as a grab n go, or we use oatmeal since it’s cheap and filling, or make cheese tortilla roll ups & freeze as another grab n go.  Think of what you can use as snacks instead of the expensive premade snack foods in our stores.

9. Attend Community Dinners Or Host Your Own 
This is a great way to enjoy a delicious free meal with your family and community.  But there are some of us, like me for example, who don’t like to be around so many people.  So instead, host a community dinner at your house inviting as many friends and family as you desire.  Make it a potluck, so not one person is paying for it all.  You can do a themed dinner or not.  Make this as creative and fun as desired.

10. Learn creative ways to incorporate healthy foods
This has been a great help for me to lose weight and keep with our food budget.  I have tried numerous ways to eat cheap healthy foods such as using avocados as a condiment for egg salad, spread on toast, mixed in a salad, or used in our desserts.  You can use an avocado for all your meals & snacks if you are creative.  Another food that works well are beans. I use beans for all meals and use it in snacks like cupcake filling or in brownies or in a dessert Spanish dish I love making.

11. Find some frugal ethnic foods and recreate them 
I’ve look around to poverty stricken countries and have recreated their meals for pennies.  Not only does this help supplements our meals and saves us money but it’s almost always healthy, using fresh ingredients.  I have about 20 or so that I’ve used for different seasons.  If you look at my older posts, I go into more detail about this.

12. Join a local farm to table group
My kids and I attend a local farm to table group that offers a lot.  Not only do my children get to cook with farm fresh foods, but during the summer we go berry picking, in the fall go apple picking, visit numerous local farms that offer different things like an Alpaca farm, a pig farm, an organic veggie farm etc.  And 9 times out of 10 we get to bring home fresh veggies, fruits, and/or plants for our visits.  Plus, we gain knowledge of how to cook certains foods we didn’t know how to before.

Now, that I’ve got you started, are there any tips or ideas you can add to my list that would help us all eat healthy on less?  

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3-Ingredient No Bake PB Oat Bars

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Feeding a large family on a small budget takes some ingenuity.  Snacks & summertime makes this especially challenging since all the kids are at home full time & nothing lasts more than 10 minutes.  It’s frustrating taking the time to bake yummy treats and watch the kiddos rip through them in the matter of minutes.
I’ve done a lot of thinking and did a food overhaul replacing the snacks with more frugal, tasty & healthier snacks that take little to no time to make.  I’ve made numerous snacks that the kids have just loved.   I’m ready to add another delicious recipe to my ever growing arsenal.  The biggest problem I have now, is picking which one to make.
I didn’t have much to bake with, since I have gone grocery shopping yet since we got back.  I’m trying to stretch out the little we have in the pantry before going to the store.  As I looked around I noticed I had oats, honey, & peanut butter. Viola my granola bars are born.  Little did I know there were numerous sites that have already done this, nothing is original……..Thank you Pinterest.  Anyways, I plan on using this recipe as a base to create different flavorful combos with.

3-Ingredient No Bake Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars
These granola bars are the simplest, easiest, cheapest granola bars you can make, that take only a few minutes to put together.  Once mixed thoroughly, pop them into the fridge for as long as you desire.  And enjoy.
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  • 4c oatmeal
  • 1/2 local honey 
  • 1.5c peanut butter


  • Measure oats and place in desired bowl
  • In a microwave dish or saucepan add honey & peanut butter together
  • Microwave for about 45 seconds to 1 minute depending on your microwave.  Using the stove, cook on med till melted together completely, which should only take a few minutes.
  • Once peanut butter and honey are melted stir together till fully incorporated.  I was worried when it 1st came out of the microwave since it seemed a little separated.  But once I stirred it together, it was perfectly fine.
  • Dump peanut butter mixture in to the oat bowl and stir together till fully mixed.  Make sure all the oats are fully covered in the the mixture.
  • Use whatever desired pan you want and push all the oats down on the pan.  I wanted to use a 9×9 but I didn’t have it so I used a 9×13 and used half of the pan.
  • Refrigerate for about an hr.
  • Take out, cut into bars, & enjoy.  I left my bars in the fridge keeping their form and the kids took them out as desired.

**Side note- This recipe makes a lot of bars, which is works well for my large family.  Feel free to cut this recipe in half for a smaller batch.**

What your favorite granola/oat bar recipe?  What add ins would you add?

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Thursday Favorite ThingsReal Food ForagerA Peak Into My ParadiseLou Lou GirlsPeeled WellnessCreate With Joy, Denise Designed